Thursday, June 22, 2006

The History of Herbs

by: Parone Dellerb

Herb is the name for any plant that is used for medicinal purposes or as a spice and for the useful product of such a plant. Typically, the green, leafy part of the plant is used. Culinary art is heavily dependent on herbs as condiments and seasonings. Although plants have always been the major source for medicines & drugs, synthetic medicines have replaced herbs to a lot extent.

Herbs can be stores in the following forms - teas, tinctures, capsules, creams, syrups and oils.

According to botanical sources, a herb is a plant that does not produce a woody stem, or is a plant that dies back to the ground at the end of the growing season.

Mankind has known herbs for a very long time. Plethora of evidences have been found where people in early ages had used herbs for medicinal purposes. Old cultures like those in India, China, Egypt and Greece have known the true value of herbs for treating diseases. People living in present days in these cultures are still heavily dependent on herbs, both for medicinal and culinary purposes. Herbal medicines are known to not offer any side effects on the patients's body. It is estimated that one fifth of the population living on planet earth still relies on herbs.

Ayurveda from India is supposed to have lived for 5,000 years now, and still stands tallest on the landscape of herbalism. According to Ayurveda, each person has unique body constitution, and each individual is made of five elements - earth, fire, water, air and ether. A person gets sick when one of these elements in the body is disturbed. In other words, the body balance gets perturbed. This disbalance can be restored to normalcy when the person is treated with proper herbal medicines.

According to Chinese herbalism, a human body can be treated with herbs when there is deficiency is some body system. Chinese doctor would then look for the most appropriate herb needed to restore the deficiency, and prescribe the dose.

Today, herbal products industry has emerged on its own. If herbalists' claims are to be believed, herbs can cure a person from almost all the known diseases, let it be blood pressure, diabetes, insomnia, etc.

Herbs are usually not taken in an individual form, rather as a combination. Herbs are combined to give the benefits needed from each. Remember that in any herbal healing undertaken, diet is also very important. These combinations are not meant to be used in the place of a doctor's advice. When using an herb or herbal combination to combat an illness or strengthen various systems in the body, it is best to start with a small amount, and then wait a few hours to be sure you are not going to have an adverse reaction, before continuing with the therapy.

Herbs shouldn't be taken for an indefinitely long period of time, unless otherwise taken for chronic diseases, as body may build an immunity to the herb itself.

Herbalists also recommend the following if you are taking herbs for medicinal purposes - give the same respect to herbs as given to other medicines, taking more herbs doesn't mean faster relief, one dose doesn't fit all, and inform your doctor about the herbs consumed by you.

About The Author

Parone Dellerb is the owner of AZA Herbs which is a premier resource for herbs information. for more information, go to

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Herbs Are growing In Popularity

By Paul Ghossain

Nowadays people in general are looking for alternative ways to self improvement and well being. The funniest thing however is that one of the most popular alternative methods has been around since the beginning of time. So what we consider an alternative method is quite far from it.

Herbs, one of the oldest remedies for curing countless problems that mankind has had is now truly becoming popular once again. Whether we suffer from headaches, bad stomachs or even sexual problems, there always seems to be some type of herbal remedy out there that can solve it.

Not everything that herbs can achieve is good however. It is because of this that a good percentage of the human population feel that all herbs are either dangerous or superstitions. Unfortunately things do not get better when opportunists promise you the world with their special remedies.

I think in time however, if we all try to educate ourselves a little more on the subject of herbs, more and more people will realise just how wonderful herbs can actually be when used in the correct manner. More education to the general public with a strong growth in popularity will ensure that herbs reclaim their rightful place on this planet once again.

Until then, people must be careful of those opportunists out there that aim only to fill their pockets with money and have little regard for what true power actually lies within herbs. If only they knew what they are missing.

By Paul Ghossain

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